Neck Pain Treatment In Islamabad
About Neck Pain
Pain in neck can be life challenging. Your neck pain may be a nagging discomfort which can impede your ability to properly perform physically or focusing mentally. Neck pain can arise from multiple causes and only treating symptoms is not enough. It is important to find the root cause of your pain in order to get rid of neck pain.

IPRC Neck Pain Treatment
About Neck Pain Specialist Dr. Aleem Liaqat
Dr. Aleem Liaqat mission is to bring a change the way in which different physical therapists treat conditions like neck pain. The neck pain specialists at IPRC use personalized and innovative treatment protocols that are rarely found at private clinical set ups.
Patients suffering from neck pain are often treated with surgeries and pain medications, muscle relaxants or steroids that fails to resolve their condition accurately.
Dr. Aleem conducts accurate examination to diagnose the condition of each patient. He believes that successful treatment can be conducted after proper diagnosis and assessment. The neck pain specialists at IPRC not only treats your symptoms but will eradicate the root cause of your neck pain so that you can enjoy pain free movement again.
Why neck treatment at IPRC is better than conventional physical therapy?
Conventional treatment of neck pain focuses mostly on the site of pain without looking for the broad picture of neck pain. Your neck pain does not arise independently, but it could stem from problems anywhere along the kinetic chain of your body, either from top of head or soles of feet. Mostly neck pain is not a cause, but it is a symptom.
Conventional neck pain treatment includes,
- Different corticosteroid injections for reduction of inflammation.
- Cervical epidural injections of steroid for reducing inflammation of nearby tissues and nerve roots.
- Cervical nerve root block injections for relieving neck pain.
- Different muscle relaxants to reduce tension in your muscles.
- Over-the-counter pain relievers.
- Alternate cold or heat therapy to reduce pain and inflammation.
- Surgery that removes disc causing nerve root irritation.
At IPRC, we provide appropriate treatment by looking at a whole person not just one specific part that hurts. After looking in detail about your lifestyle, activities, health record and other factors, we begin our proper examination and diagnosis. After careful analysis of your posture and gait as well as proper assessment and evaluation, we pinpoint exact source of your pain.
Once we found the root cause of you pain, we design individualized treatment plan that is especially for you based on unique anatomy and condition.
Cervical Spine
Your cervical spine consists of seven small bones called vertebrae. Cervical spine is most superior region of your vertebral column, and it is located between thoracic vertebrae and cranium. It protects our spinal cord and supports and cushions load to neck or head.
Conditions associated with cervical deformities:
Some of the conditions associated with cervical deformities are as follow:
- Cervical myelopathy is a condition in which your spinal cord is damaged and compressed in cervical spine.
- Cervical spondylosis is characterized by degeneration of bones and disks in your cervical spine.
- Cervical degenerative disc disease is a condition in which the disc breakdown in your cervical spine causing pain and stiffness in neck.
- Cervical stenosis is characterized by narrowing of spinal cord at cervical spine causing pain and spasm.

Symptoms, Causes And Risk Factors Of Neck Pain
- Stiffness of neck muscles.
- Sharp pain at your neck region.
- Tenderness in neck.
- Pain radiating to your arm and shoulder.
- Numbness, tingling and weakness of arm.
- Poor gripping.
- Migraines and headache.
- Decreased ability to move head.
- Muscle spasm and tightness.
- Bad sleeping position.
- Injuries or trauma.
- Excessive mobile and computer use.
- Whiplash.
- Poor posture.
- Degenerative disc.
- Spinal stenosis.
- Osteoarthritis.
- Herniated disc and bone spurs.
Risk Factors
- Increased age
- Awkward sleeping habits.
- Poor posture.
- Sedentary and inactive lifestyle.
- Increased use of mobile devices.
- High risk activities.
- Excessive exercise.

Accurate Diagnosis Of Neck Pain Leads To Successful Treatment
Because your neck pain can stem from multiple causes, accurate examination and diagnosis is quite important. Once the exact cause of your neck pain is identified, then proper treatment plan can be utilized to resolve it.
For diagnosis of neck pain your therapist will conduct proper examination which may include the following:
Patient history:
Your therapist will ask about your daily activities and lifestyle behaviors. Past or recent injuries, posture and sleep habits will also aid in accurate diagnosis of your neck pain.
Physical exam:
At IPRC, your physical examination may include:
- Evaluation of posture.
- Assessment of range of motion.
- Muscle strength evaluation.
- Palpation of the area affected.
Your therapist will observe your posture in sitting and standing positions. Postural deviations can be corrected to reduce symptoms. Proper observation of cervical spine, shoulder girdle and thoracic spine may be helpful in proper diagnosis and treatment of neck pain.
Neurological assessment:
If patient reports numbness and tingling sensation in neck, shoulder, back or upper extremities then neurological assessment is conducted for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Benefits From Our Innovative Therapies
Surgery for your neck pain should be last treatment option. Mostly neck pain is resolved with conservative non-invasive treatment. Our neck pain specialists use custom design treatment approach that will help to accelerate healing process and relieving pain. The top-notch treatment protocols will improve your condition and reduce pain so that pain free active lifestyle.

Some Of The Unique Treatment Approaches For Your Neck Pain At IPRC Include The Following
- Dynamic Neuromuscular stabilization therapy (DNS) will help in restoring innate functional movement patterns by stimulation of central nervous system in retraining of neurophysiological patterns of your locomotion system. It will also help in correction of motor deficiencies.
- Different neuromuscular and myofascial methods.
- Range of motion exercises.
- Correction of posture.
- Workspace correction so that your workstation is ergonomically fit.
- Personalized home exercise plan.
- Exercises to improve motor control.
- Therapeutic ultrasound to reduce pain, increase circulation and relax tissue tension.
- Interferential current (IFC) is electrical muscle stimulation to relieve pain and promote faster healing of our patients.
- Cupping therapy helps in improving blood flow and reducing symptoms. it also aids in relaxation and facilitates healing process.
- Dry needling is used for the relieve of muscular spasm and stiffness. It breaks trigger points which are tiny knots in your muscles.
- Manual release for reducing stiffness and pain and improving spinal mobility.
- Stretching of muscles to reduce muscular tension and improve range of motion or mobility.
- Chiropractic adjustments to maintain proper alignment of spine.
More Treatment Options For Neck Pain At IPRC
Acute neck pain | Chronic neck pain |
Range of motion exercises. | Strengthening exercises. |
Thoracic and cervical manipulations. | Endurance training and aerobic conditioning. |
Chiropractic care. | Intermittent mechanical or manual traction. |
Postural correction. | Dry needling. |
Cervical collar. | Cervical manipulations and mobilizations. |
Preventing Neck Pain
Properly performing exercises regularly and staying in shape is the best way to prevent neck pain. You should maintain a good posture especially when using mobile devices or computer. Make use of protective gear when performing high risk activities. Good sleeping habits and using firm pillow or mattress will protect your neck while sleeping. You should avoid carrying heavy bags with straps at your shoulder. Avoid tucking mobile phone between shoulder and ear while talking.
Get personalized therapy designed for your neck pain:
At IPRC, we never use cookie cutter exercises. As symptoms of neck pain can vary from one patient to another and each patient have unique and specific cause of neck pain, so we use custom design and personalized treatment approach for each patient. Our one-on-one physical therapy after proper examination will eliminate the root cause of your neck pain.
Get your neck pain treatment that really works:
Pain in TMJ can be debilitating and it may interfere your ability to enjoy everyday life. Different pain medications and surgeries treats symptoms without addressing the underlying cause of neck pain. At IPRC, it is our mission to get rid of the root cause of your neck pain and to correct it so that you can enjoy pain free life. Take your appointment today if you are experiencing neck pain so that it can be treated, and you can enjoy life to its fullest.

Dr. Aleem Certifications In Physical Therapy
Certified Spinal Manual Therapist
Dr. Aleem has done various certifications in the field of physical therapy. He is Certified Spinal Manual therapist (Manual concepts, Australia). Spinal manual therapy is used to relieve neck pain, back pain and other musculoskeletal conditions by application of forces at joints of spine. These treatments are helpful in restoring spine dysfunctional areas.
Feel Free To Contact Us
Dr. Aleem also delivers lecture on ergonomics at corporate sector in whole Pakistan including Telenor, PTCL and Ufone.