Mulligan Treatment Approach

Dr. Aleem Liaqat
Dr. Aleem Liaqat is internationally recognized expert in treating disorders related to human movement. He has done his graduation from Rawalpindi Medical University and post-graduation from Isra University. His main areas of interest are soft tissue mobilization, sports physical therapy and musculoskeletal disorders. He is the only certified Mulligan Practitioner in twin cities i.e. Islamabad and Rawalpindi of Pakistan. He is also certified Spinal Manual Therapist from manual concepts, Australia. He is certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner from Kinesio University, United States. He has also done certification in Orthopedic Sports Kinesio Taping Specialist. He has vast experience in physical therapy and rehabilitation. He is expert in treating different spinal, orthopedic and musculoskeletal disorders.
Mulligan Treatment Approach
Mulligan technique was developed by a physiotherapist Brain Mulligan. Mulligan Manual therapy is used to treat pain and injuries like back pain, neck pain, upper and lower extremities injuries. It reduces pain and improves mobility and range of motion. Mulligan concepts include natural apophyseal glides (NAGS), Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides (SNAGS) and Mobilization with Movement (MWM) to treat variety of musculoskeletal conditions. This technique is applied by utilizing perpendicular or parallel glides to find the correct movement grade and treatment plane.
Get better and state-of-the-art treatment at IPRC:
The physical therapy experts at IPRC understands that every patient has unique condition and unique anatomy, and every condition has specific and distinctive characteristics. Run-of-the mill physical therapy clinics uses one-size-fit-all approaches for patient care, utilizing the same cookie-cutter exercises that fails to properly rehabilitate patients. At IPRC, we use one-on-one and personalized treatment approach that is especially design to treat your pain. Our individualized treatment protocols ensures that you get proper treatment to eliminate the source of your pain. We are fully aware that rehabilitation takes time, so we make sure that time invested in therapy should be properly utilized and not wasted. From our state-of-the-art equipment to top-notch physical therapy treatment, we ensure that our patients get best musculoskeletal rehab. Our experience of combining state-of-the-art equipment, professional expertise and cutting-edge training technologies makes IPRC the number one clinic for treating pain and dysfunction.

Benefits of mulligan concept:
The mulligan concepts provide multiple benefits. Some of them include:
- To reduce pain
- Increases mobility or range of motion (ROM)
- Improve day to day function
- Improve overall quality of life
Mulligan concept results in producing PILL response
P – pain free
I – Instant result
LL – Long Lasting
In case of absence of PILL response, treatment is proceeded with CROCKS principle.
C – Contra-indication
R- Repetitions
O – Overpressure
C – Communication
K – Knowledge of pathologies and treatment planes
S – Sustaining this mobilization throughout movement
Who can benefit from mulligan concept of manual therapy?
Anyone suffering from musculoskeletal conditions like back pain or neck pain can benefit a lot from mulligan concept. It also helps in treating various disabilities of musculoskeletal system. It decreases inflammation of soft tissues by the application of manipulation and kneading techniques, thus promotes relaxation and improves function of the patient.
It is applied by physical therapist and induces pain reduction with improving mobility and range of motion (ROM). If you want to enjoy the benefits of Mulligan Concept, you can schedule assessment with physiotherapy specialists at IPRC to improve function and quality of life.
How Does It Work
At IPRC, the physical therapy specialists will perform comprehensive assessment and examination to determine loss of range of motion (ROM), joint restriction and pain generated at a specific joint. Then the therapist applies appropriate glide that leads to pain reduction and improves range of motion or mobility. Mulligan concept allows long lasting effects so that you can enjoy pain free quality of life.
Conditions treated by Mulligan Concept:
Mulligan Concept is used for treating various acute and chronic conditions such as ankle sprains, metatarsalgia, headache, knee pain, tennis elbow, lower back pain, Temporomandibular joint pain, and dysfunction.
Ankle sprains:
Mobilization with Movement (MWM) is often used to treat sprained ankle. The physical therapist applies appropriate glide along with the plantar flexion and inversion performed by the patient to reduce pain.
Metatarsalgia is pain occurring at the ball of your foot. It mainly affects metatarsals that are the bones connecting the toes to ankle joint. Pain often occurs at metatarsals as they provide support when you are running, walking, or standing.
Headache SNAGS are used to treat headache. If patient is suffering from headache of cervical origin, then Mobilization with movement (MWM) is beneficial to reduce pain and improve function.
Knee pain:
Mobilization with movement (MWM) is very beneficial if patient is having reduced mobility at knee joint.
Tennis elbow:
Weakness, tenderness, and pain on outside of your elbow suggests lateral epicondylitis that is commonly known as tennis elbow. This condition occurs because of overuse injury to tendons that connect muscles of forearm to your elbow joint. Incorrect form of playing sports like tennis or racquet and repetitive activities like using tools can lead to the development of tennis elbow. In addition to the repetitive overuse of muscles and tendons, pain in lateral epicondyle can arise from compression of posterior interosseous nerve in the radial tunnel or by instability of ligaments like lateral collateral ligament of elbow.
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ):
The joints connecting your jawbones to skull is a hinge joint called temporomandibular joint. This joint allows you to chew, open and close mouth, sing, talk and smile. TMJ disorders are not limited to teeth and jaw. They are systemic complex conditions involving central nervous system, immunological and genetic components. TMJ disorders treatment is a complex process requiring interventions by experienced specialists of jaw pain.

Get treatment at IPRC that really works:
IPRC is featured with advanced and modern technologies for treating your injuries, pain syndromes and movement disorders. Our treatment approaches are evidence based and success of our patients proved effectiveness of our treatment. The physical therapists at IPRC utilizes treatment approaches for restoring pain free movements of our patients. We are fully dedicated to provide best possible care to our patients. Our experience and expertise and top-notch physical therapy make IPRC the choice of clinic for reducing pain and dysfunction.
Dr. Aleem Certifications In Physical Therapy
Certified Mulligan Practitioner
He is also Certified Mulligan Practitioner (CMP) in 2020. Mulligan Manual therapy is used to treat pain and injuries like back pain, neck pain, upper and lower extremities injuries. It reduces pain and improves mobility and range of motion. Mulligan concepts include natural apophyseal glides (NAGS), Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides (SNAGS) and Mobilization with Movement (MWM) to treat variety of musculoskeletal conditions. Dr. Aleem is only CMP of Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
Feel Free To Contact Us
Dr. Aleem also delivers lecture on ergonomics at corporate sector in whole Pakistan including Telenor, PTCL and Ufone.