Physical Therapy For Diastasis Recti in Islamabad

Physical Therapy For Diastasis Recti

During pregnancy, your abdominal muscles are stretched for accommodating the growing baby. This stretch is due to elasticity of your abdominal muscles. However, the linea alba is less elastic as it is made up of collagen. In most women during pregnancy, the linea alba becomes thin and gradually it tightens over postpartum. But sometimes, linea alba becomes stretched up to the separation point, that creates gap between left and right sides of the rectus abdominal muscle.
Diastasis recti is very undesirable cosmetically that gives postpartum tummy. It also interferes with function and role of abdominal canister.

Why Treatment Of At IPRC Is Better Than Conventional Physical Therapy?

Many physical therapists use one-size-fits all approach for their patients utilizing antiquated timeline. Their cookie cutter exercise fails to properly rehabilitate patients and optimal movement and function is not restored. At IPRC, we tailor personalized treatment approach for every patient and unique condition they are suffering from. Our advanced technologies help in proper diagnoses and measures parameter of your joint angles, gait, loads and muscle firing patterns. Then we design individualized treatment approach based on collected data. We also measure progress time to time ensuring full recovery.
Our experience of combining advanced technology with innovative treatment method makes IPRC the best physical therapy clinic for rehabilitation. we are fully aware that each patient has unique condition and anatomy. We utilize one-on-one treatment approach for each patient and avoid using cookies cutter exercise.
Apart from restoring ROM and strength of different structure, we also retrain the body -brain connection for restoring of neuromuscular recruitment patterns. IPRC is one of the top clinic of physical therapy in Rawalpindi and Islamabad for diastasis recti treatment.

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Symptoms Of Diastasis Recti

Most people are unaware of symptoms until they are in post-partum period. Common signs of diastasis recti include the following:

    • Pain in pelvis or hip
    • Core instability
    • Pain in low back
    • Urinary incontinence
    • Constipation
    • Poor and bad posture 
    • Organ prolapse
    • Sexual dysfunction
    • Feeling weakness in your abdominals

Contributing Factors Of Diastasis Recti

Contributing factors of diastasis recti include the following:

  • Reduced timespan between pregnancies
  • Multiple pregnancies
  • Pregnancy at advanced age
  • Carrying an increased birthweight baby
  • Sedentary and inactive lifestyle
  • Poor quality of collagen
  • Increased weight or obesity.

Getting in the shape before your pregnancy, maintaining and keeping healthy weight and adopting lifestyle behaviors that will increase the production of collagen will reduce the risk for developing diastasis recti.

Treatment Of Diastasis Recti

Many women begin challenging exercises of abdominal muscles like leg lifts and crutches in effort to flatten their belly during postpartum period. But sometimes these exercises can worsen your condition.

Some women start to wrap their abdomen to bring rectus abdominals together without repairing their collagen, so it is ineffective way to treat diastasis recti. Some women will undergo through cosmetic surgery to reduce the gap. These cosmetic surgeries and treatments fail to restore the abdominal canister function which is exact problem and cause leading to diastasis recti. Physical therapy offers non-invasive and conservative treatment for diastasis recti.

Rehabilitation of diastasis recti at IPRC:

The physical therapy specialist at IPRC use appropriate conservative treatment protocols for treating your diastasis recti. We offer individualized and personalized treatment protocols according to the specific needs of patients.

Physical Therapy For Diastasis Recti

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS)

DNS technique will help in restoring innate functional movement patterns by stimulation of central nervous system in retraining of neurophysiological patterns of your locomotion system. It will also help in correction of motor deficiencies.

Breathing Exercises

To facilitate accurate breathing patterns breathing exercises like diaphragmatic breathing and lateral costal breathing is performed.

Postural Awareness

During post-partum period, most women will stand with increased pelvic tilt that causes anterior shift of their pelvis. Providing postural awareness and maintaining proper posture will reduce complications. Deep breathing exercises are also effective in patients with diastasis recti.

Deep Core Muscle Training

Training of deep core muscles are effective in treating diastasis recti. Activation and training of pelvic floor muscles has positive effect in reducing diastasis recti.

Passive Treatments

Evidence proved that by utilizing passive treatment modalities like electrotherapy and manual therapy will provide additional benefits when use in combination with therapeutic exercises.

Exercise Training

Performing appropriate exercises will help in increasing strength of abdominal muscles. These exercises will help in correcting muscle imbalances. Physical therapists at IPRC will perform the right exercises with appropriate intensity according to your condition.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Electrical muscle stimulation will help in reducing diastasis recti. It is commonly used during post-partum period to activate rectus abdominal muscles.

Complications Of Diastasis Recti

If diastasis recti is left untreated then it can lead to following complications:

  • Umbilical hernia
  • Hip and pelvic pain.
  • Urinary continence
  • Increase in back pain

Prevention Of Diastasis Recti

Maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy will reduce the risk for developing diastasis recti. Properly performing exercise and eating healthy diet will help in maintaining healthy weight. Patient should maintain proper posture. Performing core strengthening exercises throughout pregnancy and in post-partum period is effective in reducing diastasis recti. Avoid carrying baby on one side of your body.

Get Personalized Therapy Designed For Your Diastasis Recti

At IPRC, we never use cookie cutter exercises. As symptoms can vary from one patient to another and each patient have unique and specific cause of dysfunction, so we use custom design and personalized treatment approach for each patient. Our one-on-one physical therapy after proper examination will eliminate the root cause of your dysfunction.

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Get Treatment Of Diastasis Recti That Really Works

Conventional medicine aims at managing and reducing symptoms without identifying and addressing underlying cause. Our advance technologies and transformative therapy will help in eradicating the root cause of your dysfunction and pain so that you can enjoy pain free and active lifestyle.
At IPRC, we use holistic care and individualized treatment approach for patients and never use cookie cutter exercises to achieve optimal and best results. We properly examine patient and provide one -on-one physical therapy based on proper diagnosis. The custom design and personalized treatment is utilized for addressing unique condition of patients make IPRC the number one clinic for treating pain and dysfunction. The treatment approach at IPRC goes beyond management of pain, to regenerate tissues and promote faster healing.

Dr. Aleem Certifications In Physical Therapy

Certified Spinal Manual Therapist

Dr. Aleem has done various certifications in the field of physical therapy. He is Certified Spinal Manual therapist (Manual concepts, Australia). Spinal manual therapy is used to relieve neck pain, back pain and other musculoskeletal conditions by application of forces at joints of spine. These treatments are helpful in restoring spine dysfunctional areas.

Feel Free To Contact Us

Dr. Aleem also delivers lecture on ergonomics at corporate sector in whole Pakistan including Telenor, PTCL and Ufone.