It is necessary for you to know that surgery alone does not do the magic trick. Life following the surgery is not an instant glee. But they do not get upset or feel low about the trauma situation. No one can change the past, but everyone can work for their future. No matter what the surgery, to speed up the healing process physical therapy is always the right choice. The Post Operational Therapy sessions accelerate the recovery period. Help understand the best possible way in which one can take care of themself in a hygienic environment. And aid them to return to daily chores without any pain.
Road to Rehabilitation
Physical therapists are professionals who help patients of all age groups recoup their mobility and strength following an injury/surgery. Post Operational therapy is a crucial part of any surgery. Cardiac surgery, THR or TKR, be it any surgery it can leave one with limited intellectual and/or physical abilities. This along with long hospital stays that leave with weakened socializing skills leading to a depressive state. The doctors encourage to consult a specialist and a physiotherapist in advance to have a clue of life after surgery. The PT will make you a rehabilitation plan. Mentally plus physically prepares the patient for the road ahead.
Following Surgery
Physical Therapy sessions can start after the immobilization period following surgery, after few days or right after few hours. Patient’s potential to regain lost motion, strength, and then smoothly return to the daily life is physical therapy dependent. The body does not easily gain movement without targeted retraining. Physical Therapist is an expert in bringing back a complete range of motion. Along with strength without re-causing injury, which can easily occur with patient still being in the recovery zone. The PT will plan an exercise program tailored specifically to the needs and deficiencies of the patient.
Post Operational Therapy has different phases. The initial one comes right after the surgery. For pain and swelling to decrease, a body part can be immobilized (prevented from moving). Targeted exercises are initiated post-surgery. These help in restoring motion, strength, and stability. Recovery makes a patient gradually return to pre-injury life.
Post-Operative Benefits from Physical Therapy
1) Ease in pain & swelling:
post operational swelling is a part of healing process and differs from one patient to another. Tailored exercises (customized according to deficiencies) done during the rehab process improve mobility and reduce swelling on the affected part. Decrease in swelling in turn reduces the surgical site pain which was caused by pressure exerted by the swelling. So, we have also seen patients who fear that physiotherapy will cause further increase in their pain levels. Contrary to their myth, the techniques applied by the therapist are very smooth and safe. They bring back normal joint and muscle function which decrease pain.
2) Improves circulation of blood:
blood carries vital nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body. This helps the part to heal faster with decrease in inflammation. Post Operational Therapy can improve circulation of blood hence boosting the healing process
3) Reduces formation of scar tissue:
To heal the site, inflammatory process begins after the surgical procedure. This process is a natural response of the body to ensure cleanliness of the surgical site. And new cells namely ‘collagen’ are herd to the surgical area. Alas, body is unfamiliar with aligning the collagen cells properly. These cells can begin to clump up, losing their structure and flexibility. A process known as ‘remodeling’ begins and makes the scar tissue disappear. In which these adhesions break, and collagen realigns. Unfortunately, depending on the surgery, this can take weeks to months or even years. During this time the flexibility and ROM keeps on declining, as the scar tissue continues to adhere to underlying structures.
4) Better muscle function:
Physical therapy on routine basis can help reduce stiffness of tense muscles. The limitations of patient are the basis of designing exercises, that are safe to adapt. There are many stretching protocols that physiotherapist design for you. These improve overall function of the muscle, increase endurance and strength of the muscle.
5) Improve strength, balance, and mobility:
surgery can lead to limitation in mobility of the affected region. Body naturally protects the area of trauma. This causes swelling, decrease in range of motion, spasms, and/or muscle stiffness. Therapy can help you have your full mobility back. Through range of motion exercises, myofascial release, strengthening exercises, and various other manual techniques. Moreover, in surgeries like hip or knee replacement, strengthening muscles of the core and pelvis helps to a great extent. Tremendously improve balance and increase stability.
6) Lesser chance of secondary issues:
many risk factors come with surgery like blood clots or infection. Physical therapy can decrease the chance of these body weakening and costly complications. Post Operational therapy exercises like ankle pumps, hand pumps or even simple range of motion exercises. Help reduce the risk of infection, blood clots and contractures.
7) Improve flexibility:
patient might end up resting for prolong period following surgery. This leads to weakening of muscles that slowly lead to tightening and make them prone to more injuries. When the muscles are stiff, they restrict the activity of daily living. Stiff muscles restrict simpler movements like getting up from a chair or even combing hair. One of the first activities started after surgery are light stretching exercises. The exercises are well designed to cater the affected muscles and make them limber.
Post Operational Therapy may specifically include strategies to reduce pain. From modalities such as heat, ice, electrical stimulations, and manual therapy techniques. To improve range of motion; flexibility exercises are customized according to patient’s limitations. Strengthening exercises are designed to improve muscle strength. For proper gait and balance; posture, coordination, and proprioceptive training is given with gait analysis and training. Lastly, patient is educated about his self-care training. The patient is to follow home exercise plan at home.
If you are worried about your post-operative recovery, let us help you! The Physical Therapy team at IPRC, will provide you with detailed program designed just for you.