Neck Pain Treatment In Islamabad

Frozen Shoulder-What Physiotherapy Exercises are used to treat Adhesive Capsulitis of the shoulder?

Physiotherapy is considered to be the treatment with less involvement of medicines rather exercise is preferred to treat the injury. Around the world, the best physiotherapists in Pakistan are available in nearly every hospital. Physiotherapy more often is used to treat sports injuries and the disorders caused in adults mostly due to age factors. Physiotherapists…

Myofascial Pain Vs Muscle Pain

What Is Neuro Rehabilitation and How does It Works?

Neuro rehabilitation (rehab) is a doctor-supervised program designed for people with diseases, injury, or disorders of the nervous system. Neurological rehab can often improve function, reduce symptoms, and improve the well-being of the patient. You know someone with a neurological illness for long now and isn’t able to lead a normal life just like that…

islamabad physiotherapy and rehabilitation center

What are Rehabilitation Services and their types?

Rehabilitation services play a superb role in the Medical field now a day. Rehabilitation aims to provide the charm of life, for those who are injured and face physical disabilities. Rehabilitations serves himself as a  speech, mental, language, and exercise therapist in many hospitals. Rehabilitation’s wants to everlasting improvement int the body of the patient…

Islamabad Physio Therapist In Islamabad

What is Pediatric Rehabilitation?

Pediatric rehabilitation plays a crucial role in the medical field. The main purpose of pediatric rehabilitation is to remove the disabilities in children. Some Childs suffer disability by birth. And some abide due to injury during a game or in an accident. Pediatric rehabilitation provides services to those children who are below 18 years. They…